
CCA Emerging Educator Scholarship

The Community College Association (CCA) will award the Emerging Educators Scholarship to members of CTA Aspiring Educators. CCA recognizes, rewards, and promotes excellence in union advocacy, advocacy for the profession, attention to inclusion, equity, diversity and community, and/or the development of leadership skills. The scholarship will be awarded to CTA AE members who demonstrate outstanding accomplishments in all of these areas and present a financial need. Please submit application materials to by April 1st, 2024.

Application Form


Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship

In 1968, after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., CTA and Student CTA (SCTA) established a living memorial in the form of a scholarship fund to aide members of ethnic minorities in preparing for teaching-related careers in public education. The CTA Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund is an important component to help recruit more ethnic minority teachers into our profession. The scholarship fund is supported by voluntary contributions, and the drive to raise funds is on NOW! Both individuals and chapters have an opportunity to contribute at a variety of levels.The application is available online in October each year. Click here for more info and to apply.

César E. Chávez and Dolores Huerta Education Award Program

The César E. Chávez Memorial Education Awards Program provides recognition for students and their teachers who demonstrate an understanding of the vision and guiding principles by which César E. Chávez lived his life. The Awards Program honors the memory of this great man and ensures that the spirit of his work continues in the classrooms of California.  ¡Si se puede! Click here to view the César E. Chávez Memorial Education Awards page.

LGBTQ+ Safety in Schools Grant & Scholarship Program in Honor of Guy DeRosa

The grant program will support projects and presentations that promote understanding of and respect for LGBTQ+ persons.
The scholarship program will support self-identified LGBTQ+ members enrolled in a teacher/counseling credential or graduate program who are pursuing a career in public education and who understand the importance of LGBTQ+ educators as role models in our public schools. Application and information can be found here.

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